Thursday, December 8, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger

As far as superheroes go, I’ve always considered Captain America to be not quite as good as other examples like Superman, Spiderman, or even Batman who has no superpowers.  However, despite his lack of really attention grabbing powers, his 2nd attempt at a movie “Captain America: The First Avenger” is a pleasant surprise with what they can do with the character.  If you’ve seen enough superhero flicks you can probably guess the specific order in which the events occur:
Average Joe is seen struggling with real life.
Average Joe is gifted to become a superman (this time with SCIENCE!).
Mentor of the Average Joe is killed, thus spurring the new hero to seek justice/fight the enemies who sent the killer.
New hero becomes a tool for the media and the government for propaganda’s sake.
New hero becomes disgruntled with role and then does something super heroic (like save nearly 200 POWs from super science Nazis).
New hero is actually hero now and given cooler costume and equipment.
Montage of excellence and fighting bad guys.
More tragedy.
One last heroic stand (usually with all the supporting characters).
Final confrontation with the evil boss-man.
And then, never-happily-ever-after because you crash into an iceberg and get trapped until Inuit children break you and your bison out of suspended animation until you’re revived in present day and Samuel L. Jackson in an eyepatch puts you in a superteam?
Still, despite the clichés of the superhero film being out in full force, the movie really makes you emote with the main character, before and after transformation, and it really lets you feel good for all his victories.  Hugo Weaving as the main villain, a protosuperman, is great for his Agent Smith-like demeanor and villainy. Tommy Lee Jones had a side role, but was played his cool-old-guy role very well. Overall, super film for a superhero who was subpar in my book.

For Captain America, it's always an open invitation.

For a more entertaining (spoiler-filled) review, go here.

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