Thursday, December 29, 2011

Batman: Year One

The animated film “Batman: Year One” might as well be relabeled, “Jim Gordon: Year One,” since he is more of the focus of the film than the titular character.  Bruce Wayne’s, and by extension Batman’s, part of the story seems tacked on just so that people unfamiliar with the character will know who the crazy vigilante dressed up like a creature of the night is coming from. Gordon himself is no slouch at taking down bad guys, usually from his own so-called allies, so it’s a weird feeling seeing him do the beat-downs instead of the Bat. The film also explores his relationships, not only to the rest of the rotten cops of Gotham, but to the good ones and with his wife. Generally, I feel like the movie makes the audience want to root more for Gordon’s triumphs over Batman’s, despite his many cool fights and narrow escapes.  Catwoman has a brief subplot going on as well, but it’s quickly dropped almost as soon as she dons her costume. 
On the other hand though, the movie plays very similarly to “Gotham Central,” an old comic series that focused on the honest police of Gotham trying to figure out crimes in their twisted city with Batman and his fellow costumed crime-fighters making guest appearances.  If you liked that comic series, or if you want a brief look into the Dark Knight’s bumpy bumpy start, you’ll like this movie.
 Quite possibly how to make James Gordon even more crazy awesome is to make him a Pokemon

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