Thursday, May 11, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

As the follow-up to their unintended breakaway hit, does "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" manage to catch that same creative spark?
Yes, most definitely yes.
The spacey ragtag bunch of misfits are back, and this time after running from people they've pissed off (What else is new) they come across a mysterious hermit claiming to be Starlord's long-lost father. While they try to figure out this enigmatic loner with phenomenal cosmic power, old antagonists from the last movie have their stars aligned with our lovable rogues, and they get roped back into their shenanigans, but will they be more hindrance than help? And what major threat will these Space Avengers foil this time? And will Star Lord find a more updated means to play catchy tunes?
While I did give you a quick & far too simple synopsis of the plot, the biggest problem is that the audience is left in the dark as to what direction the movie is going up until the midway or 3/4 of the way. Big surprise, a lot of the movie IS the old standby of the Hulk and Godzilla and Lupin III stories with a whole lot of people, ruffians and the Law alike, chasing them. So when the plot actually happens, the audience realizes in flash that we've shifted into top gear and the leisurely ride with these crazy characters is now a roller coaster (or a Tower of Terror?).
Thankfully, seems like the movie makers had some leftover acid or LSD from their time working on "Doctor Strange" since the colors and the visuals are breathtakingly colorful and a tad bit surreal. The first big action scene is against a tentacle monster that can breathe rainbow beams for crying out loud! The alien life continue to astound as some inhabitants of this galaxy can now be golden-skinned aristocrats, ridiculously ornate cyborgs, or even cute yet buggy Asian girls. Environments are amazing, and the choreography and action continue to get you excited.
The most standout feature of the last movie is still very much intact as well, with the songs of yesteryear peppering the soundtrack and further references to a time before the term "Millennial" was so widespread. While this brand of retro-references and nostalgia waves might not be enjoyable by everyone, it is still a distinguishing feature to make it stand out amongst all the other sci-fi films. Despite the laughs, this movie also provides a fair amount of pathos, with most of the drama coming from family issues. The dynamics of each Guardian to each other and to an additional character change and grow and we see this rich characterization be the main strength of the movie.
For all who reside in the vast sea of sci-fi movies, the Guardians of the Galaxy movies is a big ol' shiny pistol shrimp knocking out the competition with the one-two punch of humor and heart that is pretty much the trademark of films by Marvel Studios. Go check it out if you love space stuff, character chemistry, cool action, bonkers-bananas humor, and the best Stan Lee cameo ever.

For a creative overview from a fellow movie-reviewing friend that lists three pros and three cons, please go here.
For a simple yet somewhat entertaining (somewhat spoiler filled) review, go here.
For funny yet spoilery synopsis disguised as a trailer, go here.

Blue Mary Poppins giving Emily Blunt a tough act to follow.

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