Monday, June 24, 2013

Iron Man 3

So after the superhero-y goodness that was "The Avengers," what do you do for a follow-up act?
Why, the continuing saga of Tony Stark, the charismatic, snarky, smart-guy who can build cool things in a cave...with a box of scraps!
"Iron Man 3" sadly does not fall under the short list of movies that comprise of 3rd installments in trilogies that are good, but this film does what it can to wrap things up as tidily as it can.
The story starts when Tony Stark, now plagued with semi-insomnia because every time he tries to sleep he flashbacks to the time he almost died in a wormhole to outer space, vows revenge against a terrorist that had been causing quite a stir in the world (well at least after "the Avengers") after he orchestrated an attack in front of the famous Chinese theater in LA. Going after the movie industry? You've gone too far terrorist scum!
Then out of nowhere, Tony challenges the terrorist, known as the Mandarin, despite him not even being any kind of Asian, for a showdown at his home...where his live-in girlfriend lives...oops. After narrowly escaping with his life, then he has to slum it low-tech in a sleepy little town in the middle of the US, trying to piece together the mystery of the exploding minions, to get over his PTSD, AND fight off maniacs who want to (possibly?) kill him. This leads up to him McGyvering up a way to the enemy stronghold...leading to disappointment and a reveal of an even bigger bad. From then, there's a great many action scenes of increasing scope and impressiveness leading to a climax of many many Iron Man suits responding to the call of Gondor, erm, Tony Stark.
Let's take a step back now shall we? It's the summer of 2008. Both "Iron Man" and "The Dark Knight" are duking it out in the theaters. Such thoughts can be summed up in this video. Now we fast forward to the present and it seems like the 3rd installment in both franchises are still duking it out...granted "Dark Knight Rises" was released earlier this time, there are a whole lot of parallels that can be drawn here. And while "Dark Knight Rises" is not a perfect movie, I feel like there are aspects of it that were done there that were much better than what was accomplished in "Iron Man 3."
With that said, while it is a pretty poor movie, I CAN say that Robert D. Jr. still pulls of his classic charisma and wit in almost any scene he's in. The effects are stunning as are usual and the sight of an army of Iron Man suits is like a iron-gloved slap of happy. While I don't doubt the money-making juggernaut of Marvel to find a way to make more sequels, the ending makes it seem pretty final...which is dumb since we already know that there's an Avengers 2 in the works. So really, all we can do is wait and see what the future holds for our favorite billionaire playboy philanthropist.

That's adorable Loki.


  1. Nice review. A lot of fans are definitely going to be disappointed with the ending of this film too and what this means for the Marvel film franchise. Who knows what could happen with them all now.

    1. According to this:
      (At the 3:25 mark at least...everything else is Iron Man 3 promo stuff), there's still some Thor, Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy (lolwut?), and Antman (which looks pretty cool to be honest). Also according to the rumor mill, there have been talks of a Black Panther movie in the mix...which wouldn't be too bad really since Marvel has a way with taking relatively unlikable heroes and making them a darn good movie.
      Thanks for the comment. I so rarely get those. Your blog's pretty nifty too.
