Monday, March 4, 2013

The Golden Compass

I am not particularly thrilled with "The Golden Compass." Aside from the rampant anti-Christian hype that most people seem to think oozes out of this movie's pores (there wasn't that much), it is a shoddy shoddy story. Every kid in that world is essentially Lord Voldemort and his snake, the adults are all nasty characters except for the ones of other ethnicities (like their versions of pirates, cowboys, and flying elf-witches) or species (ie, Gandalf/Magneto as the voice of the disgraced Polar Bear warrior prince.), the madness of saying that this is a parallel earth when really there's almost NOTHING similar between our reality and this one, and overall, it's just surprisingly dark for a kids' fantasy film. Worst of all is that they end on a cliffhanger because there was anticipated sequels that are probably never getting made. Not even an "and so the adventure continues" kind of thing; the main protagonist basically details a list of stuff that still needs to be done, but nope just sailing into the night and credits rolling. Only thing that makes me feel better about this flick was that it was just 2 bucks from Half-Price Books (and that supposedly the book trilogy is much better...y'all be the judge of that).

Seriously, some of the hype some majorly conservative Christian groups said was contained in this book is not nearly so sacrilegious... In fact, a lot of good Christian gals I know said the book series is fantastic and not at all evil.

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