Monday, May 30, 2011

Casino Royale

Thinking how amazing "Casino Royale" is as a movie, not just as a 007 film, but as an action movie in its own right. Especially in comparison to the previous Bond film "Die Another Day" which was cheesiness and goofiness incarnate, Daniel Craig gives this film such a boom of realistic grittiness while still keeping the trademark suave secret agent charm.



Brothers in the "darker, edgier reboot in the franchise" family

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to Train your Dragon

Originally posted 4/18/2010. Since posting, I've seen this movie 6 more times (and loved every minute of it).
I'm quite happy (read ecstatic) with "How to Train your Dragon" as a movie. Story's good, characters relatable but still fantastic, and the moral was not too forced. Now to describe the protagonist dragon: imagine a mix between a panther, a kitty cat, a lizard, a bat, the fish half of a mermaid, retractabe teeth, and whose firebreath is more like Iron Man's repulsor blasts...awesome!

For a more entertaining, (spoiler-filled) review, go here.

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea

Originally posted 5/3/2010.
Thinking that even though "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea" is not Miyazaki's best work, it's still full of his trademark charm and beautiful scenery. I'm not even sure if the movie had a climax or not, but it was cute and the story was decent. That's enough for a kid's film eh? Well, kids age 2-5 maybe.

Iron Man 2

Originally posted on 5/7/2010.
I've come up with at least a hundred ways to allude that I've seen Iron Man instead I'll leave this cryptic quote, hoping you'll be straining your ears trying to listen for it when you see the movie: "[new power] tastes like coconut!" XD
Main gripe: Terrence Howard should be in that suit...just so jarring seeing different Rhodie.
For a more entertaining (spoiler-filled) review, go here.

Prince of Persia

Originally posted 5/29/2010
I'm wondering if it really took anyone by surprise that Ben Kingsley, playing the king's creepy brother in "Prince of Persia," was the bad guy? Although to be fair, the film was full of fun-looking action and semi-decent chemistry between main characters.
Arguably, the best scene in the movie. Alfred Molina rigs them races man!
For a more entertaining, (spoiler-filled) review, go here.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Soloist

Originally posted 5/31/2010.
Wondering what other movies with Robert Downey Jr besides "Iron Man," "Sherlock Holmes," and "the Soloist" have I been missing...dude is a pretty talented actor for he has this strange charisma every time he's on screen...

Alice in Wonderland (2009)

Originally posted 6/7/2010.
Wondering what poor middle-school fanfic writer did Disney rip off without credit to make their recent live-action "Alice in Wonderland." All the characters you thought you knew are either highly aggressive, jerks, or all around out-of-charactered to death. Why even bother calling it Alice in Wonderland? Granted it's got that trademark Tim Burton vibe of colorful macabre, that's about all it's good for.
For a more entertaining, (spoiler-filled) review, go here.


Originally posted on 6/12/2010.
I'm putting "Zombieland" up there with "Shaun of the Dead" in terms of twisting horror and comedy genres in film...sort of what you could classify as a "zomedy." It totally is "Shaun of the Dead"...IN AMERICA!

For a more entertaining (spoiler-filled) review, go here.

Karate Kid (2010)

Originally posted 6/14/2010.
Fairly impressed with the new "Karate Kid." Despite being a complete misnomer it mixes the familiar "fish out of water" story, "training for competition" story, and typical romantic subplots, but if you dig deeper, you see that it's about two people finding suitable replacements for family they had lost in their lives...that and there was so much intense action!

Master Shifu (Kung-fu Panda): It takes years to develop the flexibility to do a perfect split and years more to apply it in combat.
Lying little red panda...
For a more entertaining (spoiler-filled) review, go here.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Toy Story 3

Originally posted 6/20/2010.
Quite thrilled that "Toy Story 3" broke the third-movie-in-the-trilogy-is horrible curse! Very action packed, makes you question how to deal with abandonment (either wrongly or healthily), incredibly funny, as is standard of Pixar films, and ends on a good high note. Who wants to see it again?!

For a more in-depth review done by someone else, go here.
For a more entertaining (spoiler filled) review, go here

The Hurt Locker

Originally posted 6/28/2010.
Urg. Pretty sure the Oscars are rigged; surefire proof being that trash like "the Hurt Locker" was able to win best picture. Seriously, who thought that this should go up there with such greats as "Lord of the Rings," "The Sting," "The Departed," and "Rain Man?"  Granted, I understand that it's supposed to illustrate how war can be addicting and some people only find their purpose like this, but it still rubs me the wrong way.

Despicable Me

Originally posted 7/10/2010.
is fairly impressed by "Despicable Me." Adorable, hilarious, and surprisingly heartwarming in a "Lilo and Stitch" or "Up" kinda way. Cranky old man learns to love? Nothing new really. But made amazing by off-the-wall hilariousness and some very tender moments.  The real question is, could it be a contender for the Oscars? Remember there is also "How to Train your Dragon" and "Toy Story 3" to fight against...
Everything this little girl said or did was so full of adorableness. It's as if the character was designed so you cannot resist saying "awww."


Originally posted 7/23/2010.
Quite happy with "Inception." It's a movie to shake your feeble, summer-movie-mindset into actually thinking! And think hard, because you'll need all your logical powers and deductional prowess to figure this doozy out. Give props to Leonardo Dicaprio as well because not only does he play the tortured-past, cunning thief given the duty to do the impossible, but the rest of the cast is also impeccably awesome.
Cat within a cat...just like a dream within a dream...Neo says "whoa"
For someone else's in-depth review, go here, here (at least the 2nd half. 1st half is for "Predators), and here.

One Piece movie 10: Strong World

Originally posted 8/17/2010.
I'm REALLY REALLY impressed with the One Piece movie Strong World. All the characters are at their best, be it fighting, comedy, and accurate character portrayal and growth, there's a menacing yet slightly humorous villain with ties to the past, monster designs are what would happen if Japanese kaiju and Pokemon had children, not too annoying side-characters, and of course, FAAAAAANSERVICE! ^0^

Actual scene from the movie. What other film would offer a cola-fueled cyborg modeled after Ace Ventura riding a motorcycle he made from a giant crawfish while also giving a ride to a hot librarian and a hippy skeleton musician?

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Originally posted 8/29/2010.
"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." This film is a unique and delicious blend of comedy, action, comic book/video game effects, and indie film romance to make it absolutely mouth-watering for the cinemaphile. If anyone asks you who this "Great Scott" is, point to the movie. (Doc Brown disapproves of this message)

For someone else's better in-depth review, go here.
For my own freakishly-long-winded review on the movie and how it compares to the comic, keep reading.

Retrospective on The Matrix

Originally posted on 9/4/2010.
Finding it sad that the legacy of "the Matrix," despite the first one being haled as a near masterpiece, had to be sullied with subpar sequels. Strangely enough, even though the first one's fight scenes are so iconic, they've been parodied so much that their majesty has been devalued. To that end, I like the action scenes in "Reloaded" much more. Funny how that works.
Example of parodies of Matrix fight scenes:
India. Yeeeeup

Megashark vs. Giant Octopus

Originally posted 10/2/2010
Megashark vs. Giant Octopus ain't as bad as people made it out to be...not to say it didn't have its hefty share of problems...but it's not the worst movie ever... I'm just saying there can be worse than that. Besides the horrid acting, the special effects failures are its most apparent sin.


Originally posted 11/20/2010.
Laughing at the absurdity of the movie "Predators." Still, it's probably the only film where you can see a nutcase Laurence Fishburne and Adrian Brody doing his best to be an Arnold Schwarzenager wannabe (alas, Adrian does not say "Get to da choppa"...probably due to lack of choppas in this film).


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (pt1)

Originally posted 12/1/2010.
Thoughts on Harry Potter 7 part 1: Legitimizing H***g's death instead of just killing her off because JK Rawling knows she can do whatever she wants because she's got more money than the Queen? kudos to you movie! Silly dancing makes the mood better, but hey, friendship chemistry is great. Hi Tim Burton-like animated stick people! Nice of you to stop by during storytime. That's about it.

The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Originally posted 12/19/2010.
Fairly satisfied with "Voyage of the Dawn Treader." Proof that the younger of Aslan's apostles have their fair share of personal demons that's not really that apparent in the books (well, when I read them at least). Great success of giving Reepicheep a bigger role, despite different voice actor. Here's hoping The Silver Chair will be pretty cool as well...whoever's producing that (tried to redeem ticket stub at Disney movie club, turns out Narnia no longer belongs to Disney).

For a more entertaining (spoiler-filled) review, go here.

Knight and Day

Not too bad but really nonsensical; watch this film simply for Tom Cruise reminding us he is still the Mission Impossible guy and one scene with Cameron Diaz acting tipsy.

Superman II

Originally posted 1/12/2011.
Zod is a funny menace to the if the whole world is called Houston...At least he's more of a legitimate threat than Luthor in this film.
Talk about powers as the plot demands...memory-wiping kiss really?

 Works better than those Men in Black Neuralyzers I guess...

Ip-Man 2

Originally posted 1/13/2011.
Not feeling loquacious today so he will describe Ipman 2 in just three words: FIGHT DA POWER!! (if da is really considered a word..and you discount the exclamation points...)
More or less the same themes from the first, now with evil, xenophoboic Brits instead of the Japanese. Action is still top-notch amazing though.

 Well, techniclly the Brit was a boxer but Maxter was from the United States so we can't have China vs. America.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Green Hornet

Originally posted 1/14/2011.
Less than impressed by "the Green Hornet." Seth Rogen is annoying as all heck, Jay Chou pretty much saves the movie but kills his lines, Cameron Diaz seems miscast, and the villain is uninteresting. Only cool thing is the original theme song plays at the end during the credits, which I only remember from Kill Bill Vol 1.

For someone else's more in-depth review, go here.

Shrek Forever After

Originally posted on 1/30/2011.
fairly satisfied with Shrek 4. While it is DEFINITELY not as good as the 1st two, and it copycats the last quarter of "it's a wonderful life," it's much better than the 3rd for two reasons: 1: much better return to form and shout-outs to the 1st movie, 2: an actual climax that delivers (3rd had buildup to one but the payoff was disappointing)
 Instead of that...Fiona became this:

The Town

Originally posted 2/8/2011.
"The Town" was a subpar heist movie. Not as classy as "Ocean's 11" and certainly very Bostonian. Ben Affleck was kind of wooden, his love interest was good at mental breakdowns, and the dude from the "Hurt Locker" was his usual psycho self.

For a more in-depth review by someone else, go here.


Originally posted 2/21/2011.
The movie "Red" (retired extremely dangerous) is great for action-film buffs with its gratuitous guns, explosions, violence, and corny jokes! Huzzah for Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and Helen Mirren.


Originally posted 3/4/2011.
Thoroughly entertained by "Megamind." While not as epic as Kung-fu Panda or Dragon Training, it was a delightful, genre-savvy movie which furiously broke popular superhero film tropes and caused many lols. Critique is more for Jonah Hill's character as he was unlikable even before he became a bully, and also that the paragon of justice decides to take a backseat in the finale...other than that, SUBARASHI!

Megamind: Oh, you're a villain all right. Just not a super one.
Titan: Oh yeah? What's the difference?
For someone else's more in-depth review, go here.


Originally posted 3/11/2011.
Pretty sure that "Tangled''s greatest achievement is the final evolution of all the animal sidekicks that have come before, Maximus the horse and Pascal the chameleon. Funny antics, witty timing, doesn't talk but still says a lot, and at times, more heroic than the heroes! Main villain is what happens when Frollo (Hunchback of Notre Dame) and Lady Tremaine (Cinderlla) become one person. Excellent chemistry between the two protagonists. Does Disney still got the magic? I think so.

Fun with long hairs
For someone else's more in-depth review go here.

Echoes of a Rainbow

Originally posted 3/18/2011.
Applauding the genius scriptwriter of "Echoes of a Rainbow." The dialogue is super precious and fits the story pretty well. The story could be considered Oscar-bait, but it's still remarkably touching. Recommended for all movie-lovers, chinese-speaking or not.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The King's Speech

Originally posted 3/21/2011.
I wish I'm going to be as good a speech therapist as Barbosa in "the King's Speech." Of course, I hope to get a Master's degree and be certified so I'll definitely be better right?
Also, wholeheartedly agree on this film getting Best Picture at Oscar's. Great acting from all parties involved...except Peter Pettigrew as Churchill...who thought that was a good idea? A man who can effectively play a stuttering royal man is deserving of best actor, a person you're used to seeing as a pirate is deserving of your attention, and an amazing story about two unlikely friends and overcoming fears through said friendship is worth your moneys.

 You'd get it if you saw the film
For someone else's better review, refer to here.

Pulp Fiction

Originally posted 3/24/2011.
I' a loss for words to describe "Pulp Fiction." On one hand, some people consider it Q Tarantino's masterpiece (one of em) but it's full of endless dialogues about unimportant things that really get in the way of the story, touchy subject matter and gross visuals, and I still don't know who the main protagonist was supposed to be. On the other hand, it's kinda all the wrong ways, but still funny.


Originally posted 3/25/2011.
About "pAUl"... pretty sure Seth Rogen is a much better voice-actor than he is a real actor mainly because I don't have to see his dumb face. Kind of wondering what's left for Simon Pegg and Nick Frost after they've already done affectionate parodies of zombie, action, and now sci-fi films...


Kamen Rider W: A-Z the GaiaMemories of Fate

Originally posted 4/6/2011.
Definitely impressed by "Kamen Rider W: A-Z the GaiaMemories of Fate." While most would write it off as a pointless Tokusatsu movie, it's actually relevant to the plot of the series and is a very good film in its own right. The action/stunts were amazing and not overladen with special effects, the relationships between characters good and bad, familiar and new, are dynamic, it shows the protagonists' heroic resolve to fight despite powerlessness, the main villain, while a little bland in my opinion, is a very legitimate threat while his goon squad give us a look at what the hero's powers could look like when used for evil, and the climax was amazing while cheesy with the whole clap-if-you-believe trope behind it.
Catchphrase of the series. All hardboiled detectives should quote this yes?


Originally posted 4/18/2011
Softly applauding those early execs at Disney for taking chances with "Tron." Your exe files and your Windows Media player are actually people living in the computer? And we are their deities? Madness. As AL from ReBoot would say, "WHHHAAAAAAAT?"
Overall though, film's pretty nifty. Kudos to the set, costume, and hardworking effects people. But really, it's another jailbreak/fight-da-powaa story told from the POV of Agent Smith.

Tron Legacy

Originally posted 4/22/2011
Glad a movie like Tron could get upgraded to Legacy. Looks-wise they really tried to make it look like a real place but still hold true to the original, costume-wise is definitely upgraded (no silly hats for everyone). acting was decent too (laughed like a maniac at megahammy Zuse character). most important of all, soundtrack didn't sound like it was done by keyboard cat. Action, when it happened, looked fantastic. Father-son dynamic&relationship is a nice touch to a story otherwise about people in computers and thus have no actual familial relations. It's still a jailbreak movie with a little bit more FIGHTDAPOWAA thrown in.
Actual line from movie from Zuse to Daft Punk.
For someone else's more in-depth review, go here.
For a more entertaining (spoiler-filled) review, go here.

The Patriot

"the Patriot" showcases two people's acting talents: Mel Gibson and Jason Issacs. Both play their roles very well in the backdrop of the American revolution with one being the everyman wanting a normal life thrust down a roaring rampage road while still holding onto his humanity and goodness while the other is a flat-out monster, decried as such even by his superiors. Oh yeah, Heath Ledger's in this film too but his role ain't as pronounced or spectacular as the aforementioned actors. Y'wanna know how he got those black teeth?


Monday, May 23, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean (4): On Stranger Tides

Hooray for the 4th installment of the popular Disney cash cow (well, probably 5th most popular). Brings the pirate-y stereotypes to a full close with the inclusion of peg leg. Penelope Cruz does Jack Sparrow cosplay, Blackbeard as a villain is certainly a ruthless monster...and that's all he's good for. Barbossa chews up the scenery just as well as he did before. Jack's chemistry with Cruz and Geoffrey Rush is top notch; Johnny Depp brings his tipsiest yet most brilliant Jack Sparrow performance to the table and it is awesome. Mermaids are freakin' scary in this film because they're more like (L4D) zombies than the actual zombies in this film. Story was interesting in that we have three parties racing for the same Macguffin...and Jack. Plus, the constant backstabbing is becoming iconic of the series (which makes some people really confused). Will there be sequel? Well, like most movies these days, they leave room for that possibility but then at the same time it could end right there.
Highly recommended for people who want entertaining movie but not needing too many braincells to get it.

For a more entertaining (spoiler-filled) review, go here.